"My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive..." -Maya Angelou
Thrive Oakland is a therapy practice that focuses on traditionally marginalized groups who are looking for assistance in how to navigate the stressors we face on a daily basis. We work with folks from all walks of life and are LGBTQ allies.
Our Services
Thrive Oakland provides individual and couples therapy, online therapy, coaching and will be working with groups in the near future.
Why should I try therapy?
Many women and people of color are often conditioned to just push through to achieve their goals with the "you have to do twice as well to be considered half as good" mentality. At Thrive, we want to help you figure out how to reach success without burning out or giving into societal pressure to live up to a certain stereotype.
Have you ever thought you weren't good enough? Didn't deserve the credit you were getting? Felt like you were being overlooked for you work? If so, you may want to try therapy to help you figure out why these themes are coming up for you and how to change them.
Our Focus
Thrive therapists come with various foci and have years of experience working with individuals dealing with trauma, PTSD, depression, anxiety, life transitions and every day challenges that present themselves.
We have years of experience working with adolescents, young adults, adults, couples and groups who come from different cultural, religious, gender and socio-economic backgrounds. We look forward to assisting those in our community figure out how to THRIVE!
“To love ourselves and support each other in the process of becoming real is perhaps the greatest single act of daring greatly.”
— Brene´ Brown
A Top 10 Service
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